Marina's Crafts

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Thanksgiving Furniture Refinish and Restoration

Repair, Refinish and Restoration Of Dining Sets for Thanksgiving and Christmas 

November and December is a really good time to start restoration/ refinish projects for your furniture. There are several reasons: first of all, these two months are magical in terms of the quantity of holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. This is the time when we all expect to have something new, magical and interesting: presents, travels, the projects that we want to finish before the New Year. We have guests coming in and out, particularly in this time of the year. We all want to surprise our guests and show them our best. Of course, furniture is the first thing that our guests see. I have many clients that make improvement closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas. The most popular project in this time of the year is refinish/restoration of dining sets: tables, chairs, china, re-upholstery of the chairs and benches. 

Repair, Refinish and Restoration 

In most cases the clients value their furniture and would like to give it another live, especially after the restoration the furniture looks like new, sometimes even better. We provide a personal approach to every project. For example. Some dining tables need deeper sanding and the wood on that table starts playing, or legs are in good shape and need a little touch-up instead of the proper refinish and we tell it to the customers and it saves some money. Also, Marinas’ Crafts uses only the best quality products starting from "Benjamin Moore” for cabinets paintings, Monocoat Oil, water-based stains (organic, without nasty chemicals).

Furniture Refinish and Restoration for The Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays

Another reason to refinish/restore the furniture is that this part of the year has a lot of discounts and good deals: starting from the fabric stores and finishing with the professionals. In our turn, Marinas’ Crafts also offers good deals for the dining set refinishes.. We offer up to 15% discount on certain fabric bought from us and 10% on the refinish itself during this magnificent time from November to December 25th 2019.  

If you are interested in doing proper refinish/restoration of your beautiful dining set or any other types of furniture, we will be happy to work it out for you, just call us at 415-432-9022. You can also see us on Facebook, Yelp and Google with generous reviews from our customers.