Types Of Wood In Furniture Making
It is been always valuable to have a custom made furniture. Usually, it is more expensive to make a new furniture than to buy it in mass market. At the same time, it is less expensive than to buy it from the brand stores. As for the quality, custom made furniture can be much better done than the one from the brand furniture. There are several factors that depend on the quality of the furniture.
Cross sections of the trees
When choosing the mocks of the final products - means that before starting the carpenter has to understand exactly the design of the future furniture. Lets’ say the customer wants a table, he/she has to choose how it will look like. Better if the customer has already a design project or a picture of this table. Once it is decided an experienced master knows what type of wood to choose in order to create the designed piece. For example, if the customer is interested in the texture of the future product it is worth choosing oak, ash, walnut or brushed pine. Furniture items from these timber products do not need additional descriptions. These are the most precious types of wood. But if the customer wants a smooth surface for a table, pay attention to birth, linden, maple, cherry, beech.
Wood carving
Naturally, furniture from hard grades is strong and durable, but softer grades are also widely used in making the furniture. Each type of timber is characterized by its unique and inimitable qualities. Here is the list of wood characteristics that are commonly used in our country.
Walnut timber is solid and durable. This raw material is distinguished by a variety of shades. There are over a dozen types of walnut wood, but black walnut is the most valuable, which is used only for decorating and decorating luxury items. Walnut is hard and heavy, but it is interesting in work because it is easily processed. Carving on this raw material is very popular, because it has almost no chips.
Birch is one of the most affordable raw material. Note that it is similar in mechanical properties to beech. Birch timber is perfectly glued, etched with coloring matter and polished, which is very important for choosing a color. With the help of stains, birch is beautifully painted. Often made of birch veneer. The structure of the Karelian birch is interesting - sometimes it looks like marble, or has unique patterns.
Oak furniture stands out for its hardness, strength and long service life. The color shades are from light yellow to tan. Sometimes it can be green or gray. It is easy to paint, dry, varnish. IT is not subject to destruction and warping. Oak raw material is quite simple. Oak carving is difficult, but the result exceeds all expectations. It can be called one of the most popular materials.
Beech is also very durable and hard. The color is from pink-yellow to reddish-brown. It bents as it is quite plastic. It can be painted, bleached, sanded, tinted. The cost of such furniture is slightly lower than oak.
The unusual hard larch timber is very beneficial for human health, because biologically active compounds are deposited in them, including bioflavonoids that eliminate free radicals. Phytoncides are released from such products, which prevent colds and viral diseases. The color scheme has about 12 shades, it is also used as a finishing material.
Pine timber is soft and light in color. Pine furniture is easy to scratch, Nevertheless, it is in demand in the production of cabinet furniture, Timber is resistant to microorganisms, moisture, temperature changes. That is the reason why this wood is so popular is California. Plus it was a peasant unobtrusive coniferous aroma.
Cherry is used for the production of luxury furniture. After some time, such furniture becomes darker, looks great together with carvings and glass. It is processed simply - it is easy to bend, plan, varnish.
Maple furniture is a rarity. Maple forest products are distinguished by density, heavy weight, strength. This tree is used as a veneer in the processing of expensive types of furniture. The greatest beauty is the Canadian maple. Its veneer has an unusual and catchy texture.
Cedar wood furniture is not often found in the house itself, but it is often present in buildings with high humidity, for example, in saunas. Cedar raw materials have a low density, are characterized by increased resistance to moisture and are practically not affected by microorganisms.
Cedar wooden table and bench. One of our recent projects.
It is up to the customer only to choose which wood to choose for the future furniture, but in order to make the right choice, it is necessary to study the properties of the main varieties of timber, at least in general terms. It would be wrong to ask:” what is the best wood for furniture?” Each grade of wood is good in certain products and conditions. So don’t be afraid to use the wood that you really want, the experienced carpenter does understand how to adjust to it’s properties in order to make what you want.
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