Why is furniture restoration still relevant?
While some are chasing modern furniture, others are giving the old one a second life through restoration. It became especially popular with a conscious consumption trend when people buy as little new as possible and try to use old things to the maximum.
Let’s analyze why furniture restoration is still relevant and in what cases it can be useful to you.
Furniture restoration/refinishing is the restoration of the original appearance of furniture. This is commonly used when we want to refurbish furniture for resale to antique dealers, collectors, or for later usage in our lives.
Depending on the degree of damage, the restoration can be complete or partial. The procedure will require certain skills and a certain set of tools, including devices for disassembly and assembly, removing old varnish, grinding, painting and gluing individual elements.
At the same time, restoration is necessary not only for old, antique pieces of furniture. It can also be useful for modern furniture, which, due to unforeseen situations, could receive certain damage. The concept of restoration includes not only updating the appearance, but also replacing fittings or additional strengthening of individual structural elements.
The restoration process is currently in high demand. The fact is that earlier most of the furniture was made from natural, solid wood, which does not lose its basic properties over decades. Its main problem is the loss of the original gloss over time. If you process and re-varnish such furniture, it can easily live for more than one generation.
Antique furniture was made to last, so it does not lose its main functions to this day. And restoration helps to update the look of old items, adapting them to modern interior styles or your individual preferences.
Table refinishing in a restaurant in San Francisco
In what situations can furniture restoration be useful?
In general, restoration is not only an interesting, but also quite a useful process. Thanks to it, you can get strong, comfortable furniture at an affordable price, or, conversely, get funds for updating and selling something that is no longer relevant to you.
To summarize, restoration can be useful when:
You need authentic pieces of furniture for the interior of an apartment, studio or other public space;
You create a unique interior, and you need furniture to create the right mood;
You have found old furniture in your house, which is a pity to throw away. It can be updated and sold to those who need it;
You want to give your favorite furniture a new life and refresh its appearance.
If the restoration is done with high quality, it is very difficult to notice with the naked eye. That is why experienced restorers are so valued among collectors and lovers of antique furniture with centuries of history.