Antique Wooden Furniture Restoration/Refinishing
Nowadays, there is a lot of beautiful furniture that can be found at a flea market in the auction. Most of the time, this type of furniture requires restoration and refinishing especially if it comes to wood: tables, chairs, sofas or nightstands, anything can be restored to almost the primary condition.
Our carpenter does a great job in restoring and refinishing wooden furniture. Recently, we have got a beautiful but old secretary. Wooden parts started to rot, the sides of the desk exfoliated, there were a lot of dents, plus it was missing some wooden parts. It was obvious that the desk used to look great, but right now it needs a lot of work and knowledge on how to restore it without damaging it.

Our carpenter, Andrey, worked about three weeks to complete the project. He made himself the missing parts, and found the way to glue the wooden sides without damaging the surface of the wood. When the wood is that old, anything can damage the thin walls of the secretaire.
The secretaire is antique and has a sentimental value to the client so it is really worth restoring it. After Andrey restored the wood and its parts he carefully sanded off the surfaces to make the wood even. It had to be done really carefully, as I mentioned, the parts are super thin, and easily damaged. Finally, he covered the desk with a stain and several coats of polish. Another challenge was to restore the inside - all small nice drawers and shelves as they are small - we had to work with bare hands to restore them.
To restore and refinish antique furniture requires a different technique than just simple refinishing. It requires a lot of skill, precision and patience. Normally, it is a more expensive type of work because restoration consumes twice as much time and effort as a regular wooden refinishing job.
If you have nice wooden furniture that needs refinishing or restoration, just send us the picture of your table or dresser or any other furniture and we will provide you with the quote and a timeframe. The email address is or send a photo to the phone number +1(650)580-3897.